Kidz Kamp
The Best Week of Summer!
2024 Dates
June 17th through June 21st
Known as one of the largest summer VBS camps in the area, St. Philip’s Kidz Kamp is the place to send your child/children to learn about Jesus Christ in a way that changes lives, develops faith and leads the way in sharing Jesus’ Word with our community and beyond.
For all inquiries please call, text or email:
Casey FreedÂ
Aubre Cameron
Kampers Welcomed
We welcome Kampers ages 3 (potty trained) through entering 6th grade in the fall.
View Kamper Groupings
Volunteers Welcomed
We welcome volunteers entering 7th grade in the Fall of 2024 and beyond.
View Volunteer Info
Visit us on Facebook
Stay updated on all things Kidz Kamp by following us on Facebook.
Visit Our Facebook Page
What you Should Know
If you decide to cancel your registration, there is a non-refundable $15 fee.
If you can’t volunteer, we could use your help with a snack donation for our Kampers. Click the hyper link below to sign up.
2024 Kidz Kamp Sign Up Genius-Donations Needed
The sign up genius is available for you to sign up to help. Sign up Genius for 2024 will not open until April. You can sign up at any time but we will not be accepting food donations until June.

Important Dates
- Kidz Kamp Week: June 17 - June 21
- Registration opens on April 1 and closes May 31
- Early Bird Registration April 1-April 30
- Enrollment & T-Shirt Pickup: June 8 - 9
Registration Information
Please note: Kamper age is grade entering Fall 2024.
Early Bird Registration Discount from April 1 – April 30
$10 off per kamper if an adult family member volunteers for the entire week.
Registration closes May 31st.Â
Mini (Age 3 - Kindergarten) $85*
*Registration fee is $80 from April 1 to April 30
Rookie (1st and 2nd Grades) $105*
*Registration fee is $100 from April 1 to April 30
Junior (3rd and 4th Grades) $115*
*Registration fee is $110 from April 1 to April 30
Big Kidz (5th and 6th) $145*
*Registration fee is $140 from April 1 to April 30

Kamper Groupings
We are committed to showing Jesus’ love to our kampers. Our staff is invested in the quality of care and education that we provide. Each camp session is uniquely planned to grow with the children within it.
- Minis
- Rookies
- Juniors
- Big Kidz

Groupings include boy and girl kampers.
Mini kampers are from age 3 and potty trained to entering Kindergarten in the upcoming fall.
Mini kampers meet from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Monday thru Friday.
Activities & Info
They will meet new friends their own age as they sing, play games, and create great art projects. They participate in the exciting, energetic opening worship time each day and hear great Bible adventures and lessons in ways they can understand. Snacks and drinks are provided.
For questions, please contact one of our Mini Coaches:
Christa Perkins at 412.965.7614 or email Christa
Katie Guiliani at 412.523.7973 or email Katie

Groupings include boy and girl kampers
Rookie kampers are entering 1st and 2nd grade in the upcoming fall.
Rookie kampers meet from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm Monday thru Friday.
Activities & Info
Rookie kampers participate in the same types of activities as the Mini kampers. Their activities are a little more sophisticated to fit their age group. They participate in expanded game times and more advanced Bible adventures each day. Snack and drinks are provided.
For question, please contact one of our Rookie Coaches:
Kelsey Halackna at 412.600.6359 or email Kelsey
Cait Schreiber at 724.622.1723 or email Cait

Groupings are separated by grade and by gender.
Junior kampers are entering 3rd and 4th grade in the upcoming fall.
Junior kampers meet Monday-Friday, 9:00am-1:30pm.
Activities & Info
Junior kampers engage in higher level activities that capture their attention to grow their faith and to prepare them for middle school. Bring a brown bag lunch everyday.
For question, please contact our Junior Coach:
Brenda Baldwin at 724.650.2137 or email Brenda
Krysten Neff at 412.329.8673 or email Krysten

Groupings are separated by grade and by gender.
Big Kidz kampers are entering 5th and 6th grade in the upcoming fall.
Big Kidz kampers meet everyday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Activities & Info
Big Kidz kampers continue the FUN in hopes of deepening their faith by personalizing their walk with Jesus.
Big Kidz Overnighter
Therefore on Wednesday the Big Kidz will depart St. Philip’s at 9:30 am for the OVERNIGHT camp ( Camp Cornerstone in Jefferson, PA) and will return to StP on Thursday at 3:00 pm.Opting Out of the Overnighter
Big Kidz need to bring a brown bag lunch on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.
If your Kamper will not be staying over, you are welcome to pick them up after the day’s activities. (NOTE: If your Kamper is opting out of the two day trip, no other accommodations or price adjustments will be made for Wednesday or Thursday. Your Kamper will then only attend Monday, Tuesday and Friday.) -
For question, please contact one of our Big Kidz Coaches:
Sarah Durham at 724.254.6021 or email Sarah
Marisa Schriner at 412.716.6547or email Marisa
Kamp Volunteers
Our volunteers work together in their unique roles to create a loving environment that makes this Kamp so successful. The various areas where you can serve include: Music Team, Stage/Kamp Design, Craft Team, Games Team, Scripture/Small Group, Breakfast Dads, Kitchen Crew (adults), Counselor, Prayer Team, Nursery, Parking Crew (adults), Work Crew.
All volunteers, both youth (under 18) and adult (18 and older), must complete the appropriate clearances. Please see the Volunteer Clearances section below for details.
Volunteers may request to be placed with a friend. You will be placed with at least one of your friend requests, but we cannot guarantee that multiple friend requests can be honored. Volunteers must acknowledge that they will be placed to serve where needed.

Important Dates
- Kidz Kamp Week: June 17- June 21
- Volunteer Registration: April 1 - May 31
- Adult Volunteer Meeting: May 13th at 7:00pm
New Leader Training: June 5th 7-8pm, June 9th 2-3pm
Mandatory Teen Training
Teen Volunteer Gathering: June 12 from 5:30PM - 8:00PM - All clearances are due by May 31**
  *Every Volunteer must attend one of the training dates.
**Adult Volunteers (18+) cannot serve without up-to-date clearances.
Volunteer Training
- Mandatory New Leader training is where you learn volunteer expectations and Kamp rules.
- It is mandatory that each new Leader attend one of the training dates as well as their mandatory coaches meeting . Please see available dates in the Important Dates section.
- Mandatory Training is the All Teen Leader Gathering on June 12, where you will meet your coach and other volunteers.
- Volunteer Registration Opens April 1st

Volunteer Clearances
In order to keep our children safe, we require all Kamp volunteers 18 and over to have a criminal background check, a child abuse clearance, the residency affirmation or FBI fingerprints if you have not been a resident of PA for the past 10 years.
If 18 or older, current clearances must be on file at STP. Submit clearances to For questions, please contact Laura Brinkley.
If your clearances are dated 5 years or older, please apply for the clearances by using the links below.
Support Center at 877-343-0494
PATCH Helpdesk 1-888-783-7972
Please complete if you have lived in PA for 10 years or less.
If you have not lived in PA for 10 yrs or more. You may also call 1-844-321-2101 to register for the FBI Fingerprint Background Check. Please use Dept of Human Services Volunteer Code 1KG6ZJ
Contact Us
1629 Beaver Grade Road Moon Township, PA 15108
For all inquires, please call/text/email:Casey Freed
Aubre Cameron
Kamp Phone # (412) 254-4571