Inside Services
What you need to know
We are really happy to be worshipping in person. We have missed being together with our church family! This is a new situation for all of us, so please extend grace as we navigate this new season of worship. We will adjust these guidelines as we actually see what works and what needs to be changed.
Service Times
Sunday at 7:30am
Liturgical Service
No Music
Sunday at 9:00am
Contemporary Worship
Kidz Stuff
Keep Scrolling for Summer Service Times
Sunday at 11:00am
Contemporary Worship
Kidz Stuff
In-Person Service Guidelines
Not required for weekly services
Since we have worshipped indoors for a number of weeks now, there is no need to pre-register for services at this time. We have a good handle on the attendance at each service and are confident in our ability to remain socially distant.
Requested for holiday services
We will, however, ask you to pre-register for special services in the future like Christmas Eve or Easter and Holy Week Services. Please refer to the Christmas Service page for the pre-registration link.
6 Feet
Please try to maintain 6 feet distance when you are not wearing your mask. The sanctuary chairs have been adjusted so that every other row has been removed. Our ushers can help you find a seat.
2 Seats
Please allow 2 seats between your family and other family units. At this time, the coffee bar will not be open.
A few changes
On weeks we have communion, we will not being going to the altar rail just yet. The ushers will guide you into 2 lines down the center aisle to receive communion. There will not be a separate offering time in the service. The offering baskets will be placed around the lobby and the sanctuary for you to conveniently drop off your offering without touching the baskets.
Overflow Seating & Live Streaming
We will have overflow seating available in the loft and in the lobby (live streaming the service on the monitors) to accommodate social distancing.
Cleanliness is next to godliness
- The sanctuary, bathrooms, and meeting spaces will be cleaned after weekend services and more often when the space is being utilized during the week.
- Frequently touched objects and bathrooms will be cleaned during and between services.
- Services will be as touch-free as possible (no passing of the offering basket and no handshakes during the welcome).
Mask Guidelines
- Wear a mask at your discretion or
- When social distancing is not feasible.
Multiple exits available
The doors on the side of the church leading to the side porch (nearest the masks only seating) will be available for those who would like to leave the sanctuary as soon as the service is over without going through the lobby.
Kidz Stuff is for all children age 3 through 4th grade. Please note there will be no nursery at this time.
Checking in
Children will be checked in before the start of the service, and all children will return to their families in the sanctuary for communion. Please enter through the lower level.
A new system in place
A brand new check-in system will be used for parents who would like their kids to attend Kidz Stuff.
This system will allow parents to check their kids in on either an iPad or computer that will be set up in both the upstairs and the downstairs lobbies. The first time a family uses the system, they will need to add their children to the system. All future check-ins will then be incredibly simple! Once parents check their children in, it will automatically print out a name tag with the room to which the child goes. Please have your child put the label on their shirt so that volunteers can quickly identify all students.
Temperature checks, masks, and clean hands
- Children will be asked to use hand sanitizer on their way into their rooms.
- It is at the parent’s discretion whether they will have their child wear a mask during Kidz Stuff.
Got questions?
Contact Casey Freed,
Children’s Ministry Director
- Wash hands for 20 seconds or use the hand sanitizer that will be provided throughout the building.
- Please cover your mouth with a tissue or your sleeve/elbow if you have to cough or sneeze.
- Please stay home if you feel sick, if someone in your household feels sick, if you have a fever, or if you have been near anyone diagnosed with COVID-19. You can enjoy our pre-recorded service in the comfort of your home.
Respecting all comfort levels
We understand that people have different levels of comfort in dealing with our current social environment. Please be assured that we are very excited to corporately worship with you again. We will do our very best to keep you safe. We want to respect the feelings of all of our worshippers, and we know you do as well. We are a church family, and we are in this together!
Monitoring for any needed adjustments
Please know that we will be continually monitoring the services to see if we need to make any adjustments. And if you do not feel comfortable just yet meeting in-person, we will still have an online service available. We are excited to start live streaming our services!