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Join Us for a Worship Service
St. Philip’s is a non-denominational church located in the heart of Moon Township. We are on Beaver Grade Road across from the Cherrington Office Park, easily accessible from Business Route 376.
St. Philip’s is a community consisting of people from all stages of life, backgrounds, and experiences. We invite you to join us on a weekend for upbeat worship and biblical teaching. The fellowship is authentic and the attire is casual!
Options for Kids
The Cry Room is equipped with a sound system and a large glass window looking into the sanctuary. You’ll appreciate shelves full of toys, a changing table, and other quiet options to keep little ones busy as you participate in worship.
Nursery (0-2 years) and Pre-School (3 – 4 years) – Before or at any time during the service, you can check your child into the nursery or pre-school. Your child will stay with caring adults until the end of the service when you sign them out.
Kidz Stuff (Kindergarten – 4th Grade) offers an opportunity for children to hear about Jesus with age appropriate lessons, crafts, and games. Before the service, you can check your child into the downstairs space. Your child will return after the message so they can participate in communion or receive a blessing.
Learn more about Kidz Stuff →

Who can receive communion?
If you believe in Jesus as the Son of God who has died and was raised from the dead for your sins as your Lord and Savior, then you are invited to the table. If for any reason you do not feel comfortable receiving communion, you can still come and receive a blessing from one of the pastors.
Since St. Philip’s comes from the Anglican tradition, we offer wafers and wine at communion. Most people will take the wafer and dip it into the wine and consume both bread and wine at the same time. We do offer a gluten free wafer if you need. Please just ask for it from the server as they come by.
Your child can receive communion. We leave this decision up to the parent. If a child is not ready to receive communion he/she will receive a blessing when they come to the table.